Telegram has gained a good popularity in recent years. All thanks to the WhatsApp new policies that irked many of its users that used this opportunity to transfer to the new world. Now, we have a new update from the instant messaging app that came with the announcement saying that it will be going to add a new set of features soon to its voice chat feature that will make the app more popular among its users. A counterpart of this app called Clubhouse seemed to be enjoying similar sort of features and thus compete a lot with Telegram. However, with additional features coming from Telegram, one can expect things to turn in the favor of this app only. The fact of the matter is, Clubhouse is regarded as the invite only app, which is available for iPhone users only, but now we can see it getting developed for the Android users as well.
Telegram is considered to be a rival to apps like WhatsApp and it did recently add to the surge and popularity ever since we see WhatsApp that was announced with its new privacy policy. Although the latest update about the telegram suggested that voice chat support would be added to the channels and it will give you additional features that would help in improving upon the voice chat in a big way. Well, it’s time to check the newly proposed features for the instant messaging app as under:
Unlimited Voice chats on different channels – It will be a tool for broadcasting that came up with no limitation in terms of the number of people for the same. Regardless of the choice you make, you need to talk a lot about it and then can tune it to the asme. It is like a public radio, which would be reinvented for this century, claimed the earlier blog post of the show.
Record chats – There are several admins of the channel and public groups who want to record the audio or voice chats. This often helps them a lot in talking less and chalking about things more and even going to publish them for the missing thing. In order to notify, the speakers are seen in the chat that is being recorded along with the red light being added the next to the given title.
Speak in between a live chat – The next feature to be added here is the speaker in between the live chat. In a live chat, we see the participants often going on a mute except the speaker who keeps on speaking about the same. They will help in giving alerts to the number of admins that can speak about tapping over the raising the hand icon.
Create invite links – The next feature to be added includes creating invite links. Well, there are several public groups and channels who are not able to create the invite links, which can easily open the voice chat. This helps in separating the links in order to get to the speakers and listeners.
Choose who you join as – This feature will help in allowing people only to enter the voice chat in a channel that help the users to have the required option in order to join with their respective accounts or keep them available on one channel.
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