Microblogging site Twitter Embarks with Twitter Privacy Center

Launching the Twitter Privacy Center, the company intends to offer a key central space for all to keep their users abreast on the privacy and data protection issues.

In one line if we define the privacy and data protection work of Twitter, it is the central place, which hosts everything. The Microblogging site has never left a single stone unturned to keep the data secure of its users. These include the date it collects and the way it consumes along the way it is controlled by the users. Of late, there has been a buzz from Twitter that it has become more conscious on this issue. And launching the Twitter Privacy center is of the key things which the company has for its users. Let’s dig in deep into it as under:

Now, the big question, How Twitter treats about your Privacy and Data Protection? Well, the right to privacy and data protection of the users have been intact ever since Twitter came in the World Wide Web in 2006. Since its inception, Twitter has given the liberty to its users to use it as per their terms in terms of privacy. Right from allowing them to create the pseudonymous accounts to secure their identity or allow people to control who sees their Tweets. Behind the scenes, we have seen the teams all over the company working on a consistent basis to secure the privacy and data of the users. They had divided this work into three focal areas:

Fix technical debt- The Microblogging site has created a new set of features and services when it comes to the top of older systems. In some of the cases, we find the older systems meant to support their existing users, which is nothing but the technical debt. This is good both for the users and for the business purpose as well. This allows Twitter to offer effective products and services to the users. Also, you could have noticed that since past two years, Twitter seems to be more serious on this issue and have been putting several disclosures. In other words, the company has ensured that the system suffices the expectations of the users.

Add privacy into the products coming from – Twitter has the element of privacy when it comes to designing any product. They make sure to review the products they keep on launching. THis comes with information security, privacy counsel and product along with the individual office of data protection. Every employee joining the company had to undergo a training on data privacy, management and security training. Twitter has its own internal group known as Twitter Doves. It takes care of developing a robust data privacy , security and management practises for all.

It keeps itself accountable to the users that trust them with data- Twitter has carried out a couple of steps to make everyone accountable whey they operate. They have a data protection officer who is responsible in designing the privacy and data protection assessment for the company employees particularly the ones on the top of the board of directors on a quarterly basis. They make sure to  invest a lot in Data Management Organization on a regular basis to ensure that the data is in safe hands.

Launching the Twitter Privacy Center, the company intends to offer a key central space for all to keep their users abreast on the privacy and data protection issues. At the same time, it aids them to remain accountable to all its users with higher transparency level.